If you have a few missing teeth but can’t afford dental implants or fixed bridgework, consider a removal partial denture (RPD). Although dental implants in Columbia may be the superior choice aesthetically and functionally, an RPD can still effectively give you back your teeth.
RPDs are designed to replace one or more missing teeth but not a full arch like a full denture. Considered a permanent restoration, RPDs are also more durable than transitional “flippers,” denture appliances that are flexible and light enough to be flipped out of the mouth with a flick of the tongue.
The key to both their affordability and durability is vitallium, a strong but lightweight metal alloy most often used in their frame construction. To it we attach artificial teeth usually made of porcelain or glass-filled resins that occupy the precise location of the missing teeth on the gum ridge. The artificial teeth and frame are surrounded by gum-colored plastic for a more natural look.
Each RPD is custom-made depending on the number and location of the missing teeth. Its construction will focus on minimizing any rocking movement of the RPD during chewing or biting. Too much of this movement could damage the adjacent teeth it’s attaching to and cause the appliance to be uncomfortable to wear. We can stabilize the frame by precisely fitting it between teeth to buttress it. We also insert small rests or clasps made of vitallium at strategic points to grip teeth and minimize movement.
RPDs do have some downsides: their unique attachment with teeth encourages the accumulation of dental plaque, the thin bacterial film that’s the leading cause of tooth decay and periodontal (gum) disease. These diseases can affect your remaining teeth’s health and stability, which could in turn disrupt the fit of the RPD. Also, too much movement of the appliance can make the teeth to which it’s attached become more mobile. It’s important, then, if you wear a RPD to remove it daily for cleaning (and to thoroughly brush and floss your natural teeth), and to remove it at night to give the attaching teeth a rest.
A RPD can give you back the teeth you’ve lost for many years to come—if you take care of it. Maintaining both your RPD and the rest of your teeth and gums will help extend the life and use of this effective and affordable replacement restoration.
If you would like more information on teeth replacement options, please contact us or schedule an appointment with Model Dental Clinic for a consultation. You can also learn more about this topic by reading the Dear Doctor magazine article “Removable Partial Dentures: Still a Viable Tooth-Replacement Alternative.”
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